Angels in Disguise...maybe Demons

While talking with my sisters, via conference call, I was inspired for this blog entry.  Sorry Rachel....tried calling. FYI....I have 3 sisters and I am the lucky one that is the oldest. We are like The Golden girls. Well, almost. We fight, laugh, cry, and have been known to throw a few punches at each other.Hence, the Demon part of this post.

We are your typical farm girls. We all know how to drive a tractor, we live through harvest, we  know what it means when Dad comes rolling in the driveway honking the horn ( he needs some sort of help with something), and know how to run cattle. Well, back in the cattle lot anyway. We walked beans every summer, played softball, worked summer jobs, and did everything we could get out of mowing the lawn when we wanted to hang out with our friends.

We fight. Not your typical argue and slam door fight. We throw punches, find things to hit each with, have stabbed each other with various objects, and have run into each other with vehicles. We were taught how to fight at an early age, better yet, to stand our ground and stand up for ourselves or each other. No matter what the issue, we always, stand beside or up for one another. You don't mess with one of us, because you will likely feel wrath of all four of us. The Fabulous Four Farrens Sisters. We are each other's best friends, worst enemies, and each other's most loved family. We complete each other.

I can't imagine my life without every single one of them! Needless to say, we are each others Angels.


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