
An excessive worry about one's health.

Many days I ask myself, "Am I a hypochondriac?" "Am i really having these symptoms" I wonder if other nurses or people in the medical field often ask themselves this question. Am i crazy thinking this or that? ? ?  I certainly can not be the only one, right?

So, my husband called me a hypochondriac awhile back and that is how this blog post was sparked. I tend to be quite thorough in information that I gather, whether it be about myself, a family member, or one of my patients. I am overly cautious. I'm a worry wart. I dig into things. I look at all possibilities. And, I simply would much rather be safe than sorry. 

I have begun to follow numerous WLS (weight loss surgery) groups on Facebook since I have had Gastric bypass. I am getting an enormous amount of information from the different posts. Incidents where I would email or call my doctor can be referenced on there and I receive great answers. The nurse in me wants to post on so many different questions that are asked, but I tend to just read and follow these interesting posts. 

There is nothing wrong with learning everything you can about a disease, surgery, or any odd medical diagnosis that is thrown your way. Nothing could have prepared me for all the different things that go along with gastric bypass. I attended 7 months of education class, saw a dietician, met with psych, and met with my primary doctor. It is a lot of work! I can Google everything I want to know on bypass, but it is not the same as having someone that has lived through this to give you advice. 


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